# Copyright (c) 2018, Vanessa Sochat All rights reserved.
# See the LICENSE in the main repository at:
# https://www.github.com/openbases/openbases-python
from openbases.logger import bot
import os
import sys
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Supporting (shared) functions ################################################
[docs]def update_environment(params=None, prefix='OPENBASESENV_'):
'''update environment will put any environment variables found in the
params (dictionary) into the environment, expected to be found by
the various functions. The variables must start with OPENBASESENV_
if params is not None:
for key,value in params.items():
if key.startswith(prefix):
if value:
bot.debug('Exporting %s=%s' %(key, value))
os.putenv(key, value)
os.environ[key] = value
bot.warning('Skipping parameter %s for environment' % key)
[docs]def validate_loads(infile):
'''determine if a file can load without error. If yes, return manager.
If not, return None.
infile: the input file to attempt loading with the YamlManager,
can be yaml or front end matter in html.
from openbases.utils.managers import YamlManager
manager = YamlManager(infile)
return manager
bot.warning('Load of %s not successfully, using default' % infile)
[docs]def load_criteria(self, criteria=None):
'''load a criteria.yml file. If not specified, load (or reload)
default provided by package.
criteria: a yml specification for criteria. If not provided, use
default at criteria/specification.yml. If you need help creating
a new criteria (that might be added to defaults) please open an issue
# First pass - criteria file defined, and exists
if criteria is not None:
if os.path.exists(criteria):
criteria = self.validate_exists(criteria)
# Second pass, use default provided by library
if criteria is None:
criteria = self.default_criteria
# Attempt to load (and validate) the criteria (returns YamlManager)
self.criteria = validate_loads(criteria)
# Again fall back to default if error loading user-provided
if self.criteria is None:
self.criteria = validate_loads(default_criteria)
basename = os.path.basename(self.criteria.infile)
bot.info('[criteria:%s]' % basename)
return self.criteria.load()
[docs]def validate_criteria(self, criteria=None, infile=None, params=None):
'''validate an infile (or already loaded one) against criteria.
infile: an input specification file
criteria: a loaded (json/dict) or criteria, or html/yml file
from openbases.utils import load_module
# If criteria not set, use default
if criteria is None:
# Update environment with params for validation
if params is not None:
bot.info('Updating custom params with %s' % params)
# Update the environment
update_environment(params=self.params, prefix='OPENBASESENV_')
# Read in the criteria - any errors will fall back to default
if not isinstance(criteria, dict):
criteria = self.load_criteria(criteria)
# Case 1: input file provided at runtime
if infile is not None:
# Case 2: Didn't successfully load, fall back to previously loaded
if not hasattr(self, 'spec'): # infile didn't load successfully
if hasattr(self, 'infile'):
# Case 3: Still no infile! Exit
if not hasattr(self, 'spec'):
bot.error('Please provide an infile to function, or load()')
if "checks" not in criteria:
bot.error('criteria is missing "checks" section, exiting.')
# Default missing function
missing_function = 'openbases.main.validate.criteria.base.missing'
# Turn status into meaningful message for user
lookup = {True: 'pass', False: 'fail', None: 'null'}
# Loop through checks, run against specification file
for group, checks in criteria['checks'].items():
print('[group|start:%s]' % group)
values = dict()
[values.update(dict(check)) for check in checks]
# Obtain values, the only required is the function
name = values.get('name', self.robot.generate())
level = values.get('level', 'warning').upper()
function = values.get('function', missing_function)
kwargs = values.get('kwargs')
envars_list = values.get('environment')
envars = dict()
# If we have environment vars from criteria, export them
if envars_list is not None:
[update_environment(e) for e in envars_list]
# If we have a function provided in the configuration yaml
function_name = function
function = load_module(function)
if kwargs is None:
valid = function(self.spec)
values = dict()
[values.update(dict(kwarg)) for kwarg in kwargs]
valid = function(self.spec, **values)
print('[check:%s]' % name)
print(' test:function %s' % function_name)
print(' test:result %s' % lookup[valid])
if valid:
bot.test("PASSED %s" % function_name)
print(' test:level %s' % level)
bot.named(level, function_name)
if not valid:
print('[group|end:%s]' % group)